
Thursday 1 May 2014

Facebook: Deactivated

Guess what? I just deactivated my Facebook account.

No sensitive reason to this. I just don't think I need a Facebook account anymore. 

I used to feel like I missed something when I didn't check my Facebook account regularly, and that feeling was bothering me. Was I addicted? Maybe. But if I was, then it's the right decision to deactivate my account. Plus I need to focus on my thesis.

Usually when I checked my Facebook timeline, I found one or two interesting and useful things. But that's it. Everything else was just personal stuff (some you don't even need to know), complaints, rants, jokes, interesting-but-useless kind of facts, wise words from you-don't-even-know-who, people showing off, etc. They, the people on Facebook, don't even "be themselves" sometimes.

What if I told you that Facebook don't really connect us? With Facebook you can talk to someone you know (or even someone you don't), befriend someone who you (don't really) know in real life, comment on their status or photos, send a message to people even if they don't know you, but then what? Is that connection, that relationship, real? Are they really your friends? Will they help you if you are in a trouble or need help? Are they really that significant in your life?

In short, I think Facebook gives us a false sense of connection.

A false sense of connection? I don't need it. I don't want it.

For most social interactions, online is not a substitute for offline. So let's sit down and talk about things - face to face. Drink a cup of coffee or tea with friends, eat delicious foods together, talking about ideas, movies, books, how other friends or family doing, or whatever things that connect us as friends. Let's take a group photo and keep that photo just for us, the ones that really care. Sounds good, right?

[Update] Watch this video I found on Youtube: Look Up.

Now the only Internet's social media I'm still using is Twitter. Oh, and this blog. I prefer more private and secure(?) means of communication. Email, text messages, and phone call are more than enough for me. Group chat/discussion? I prefer Whatsapp or something like that. I don't have the needs to share my photos, so I could easily pass on photo sharing apps like Instagram. 

If I have interesting photos; stories; or any kind of ideas, this blog will be my main media to share it. You want it? You need it? Just read it here.

Well I might activate my Facebook account again sometime in the future, but for now... 

Goodbye, Facebook! :)

PS: Stop stalking, it could destroy your self esteem.

Note: I reactivated my Facebook account on July 2014 to gather some contacts that I only have on Facebook. I plan on re-deactivate it after Idul Fitri (August 2014).

Update: (January 7th, 2016) I reactivate my Facebook and now an active user. Wanna know the reason? I'll write about that later if I have the time, Insyaa Allah.

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